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Favorite Apps

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:03 am
by BobSeager
Update: EarthScape is like a mobile Google Earth with an interface users of said product would be accustomed to. Though not as detailed and not as high a resolution as Google Maps, it's fun to play with.

Heritage Dictionary is fantastic. It's an offline dictionary (ideal for users who have no data plan and no wifi access) that has a large database and a quick, intuitive interface.

FaceMelter is a graphic program which allows you to distort images in your photo library or capture new ones and do the same. It's limited but pretty fun.


Dunno if anyone wanted to discuss what applications they like/dislike. Could be useful because of the no try-before-you-buy option the AppStore features.

I like the Scrabble app. You have to like Scrabble obviously, but it's a great mobile version. Other than that I play with Band the music application, iphonesaber (which has been removed from the appstore), and Sketches (while limited) is a pretty fun photo-manipulation program.

Some of the stuff I could do without: I saw Koi Pond atop the appstores most popular paid apps list. It simulates a water pond with fish swimming in it. You can drag your finger across the water to make ripples and scare the fish. The fun only lasts a few minutes. Monkey Ball is supremely frustrating to control. It borders on not challenging, just poorly designed, control. A great alternative to Monkey Ball is Labyrinth, where you navigate a marble through mazes.

Re: Favorite Apps

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:38 pm
by CoFree
that a good post we can just keep it going .

Re: Favorite Apps

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:15 pm
by sadalius
Are we sticking to those apps that are only available through the app store? Or other apps that you can download via Cydia/installer?

Re: Favorite Apps

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:20 am
by CoFree
i would think anything.
if it a good app that someone likes then post it up,
we may want to addd what app it is and where it can be found.what firmware it runs on you know stuff like that.
with the 1.1.4 firmware there is a lot of stuff ;)

Re: Favorite Apps

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:45 am
by sadalius
I agree. With that I'll add my current favorite apps. I'll edit them along as I'm sure as they port things over to cydia, my interests will change. They are adding new stuff quite often, usually about once a week I find something new.

1. Open SSH - a program that will allow you to SFTP into your ipod/iphone. Has a version as far as I know for 1.1.4/2.0/2.1
2. Winterboard - A program that allows you to change themes easily on the ipod/iphone. Again, a version for all firmware is available.
3. Bossprefs and spoof - a handy utility to allow you to hide icons you don't use, change alot of settings and such all from one central location. Although they are two seperate apps, they kind of go hand in hand. As far as I know, its available for all versions of firmware.
4. Tap Tap Revolution/Revenge - A game that is quite similar to guitar hero, only instead of strumming the notes, you tap them. Available to jailbroken ipod/iphones on 1.1.4 or lower, available to 2.0 or higher through the app store.
5. PegJump - A game where you have a triangular shaped playing board with pegs and one empty hole. You have to jump the other pegs and figure out how to do so to end up with only one peg left. Your also timed so it keeps the fasted time as a high score. As far as I know, this is only available through the app store, so this one would be 2.0 or higher.

Thats about it for now. Like I said, I'll edit this along as I find new stuff and such as I get time as well.

Re: Favorite Apps

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:36 am
by BobSeager
Clinometer: Appstore- Incredible leveler. Has great calibration for surface and angle from all 4 directions (up, down, left, right). Very sharp.

Cycorder: Cydia- Video recorder using iphone camera. It uses compression-on-the-fly encoding so the videos can be watched nearly instantly afte you stop recording. Works very well. Even records sound! It's technically freeware, although it's add-supported, the adds are kept to a minimum.

Re: Favorite Apps

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:09 am
by sadalius
Moto Racer from the app store. Well worth the $4.99 for this game IMO.

Re: Favorite Apps

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:16 am
by BobSeager
Ocarina! I still have no idea how to jam any tunes out on it, but it's gotta be one of the most inventive uses of the iphone so far. You blow into the mic and tap out tunes on 4 buttons that can be combo'd for greater effect. You can also hear live streams of people playing around the world on a pretty impressive display of the world.

Re: Favorite Apps

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:43 am
by BobSeager
Pocket Guitar: App Store
So about all I can play is Enter Sandman because guitar is a lot different when you can't feel frets (plus I suck worse than people who can only play stairway to heaven). It is pretty cool tho, lots of customization and great, great sound for what you're working with.

McCleaner: Cydia
Ok, so I previously posted about iBlacklist being one of my favorites. Well, McCleaner does the same thing (essentially) but it works much, much, much better. It gives you the option to block calls, block sms, and unlike iBlacklist, McCleaner has the option to auto-hang-up on a caller. When someone on your blocked list calls, your phone will not ring, but instead pick up and hang up in one swift motion so the caller cannot leave a voicemail, PRICELESS! One of the best apps I've seen.

Re: Favorite Apps

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:47 am
by sadalius
Wow, I wish I had something like McCleaner for my cell phone, LOL. Sounds like a nice little app.

Re: Favorite Apps

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:42 am
by BobSeager
Quake: Cydia

So it's been out for awhile, still pretty impressive everytime I see it. Pretty much just a port of the original Quake. Runs smooth, bit hard to aim but the game takes up the full widescreen so its easy to navigate. Supposedly Quake III was coming out with networked play but I haven't really seen anything on that in a long time.


Re: Favorite Apps

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:17 am
by BobSeager
Wobble: iTunes 99cents

You take a picture with your camera or a stock photo stored in your library and drop these little resizable pads on areas of the photo you want to 'jiggle' when you shake the phone.

This was my test photo to see how well the app worked well ;)


Re: Favorite Apps

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:55 pm
by HaGGardSmurf
My fav's:

(I used to have ALOT of apps on my iPod, but since 2.x have removed most, because people would beg to play my games during class, and would waste battery, and sometimes get my iPod taken away...)

In order I use most:

- Respring - I use every day a few times, I never turn my iPod off, so when I am done using it, I respring to end all applications, and then lock it.
- Winterboard - Without winter/summer board, I probably wouldnt jailbreak. Themes are the main reason I jailbroke!
- Open SSH - Dont really SSH anymore, used to do it ALL the time.
- Tap Tap - Funnest game ever, love the online, except people are amazing online...
- South Park Imagination Land - Quite fun, but when you get to the last levels its near impossible.
- Blackjack - Awesome!
- Helicopter - Everyone loves this game!
- Air Hockey - Fun to challenge people to play you in air hockey, then destroy them ;)
- Mafia Live - Fun mafia game to play online, its a browser game though so only works with wifi.
- MxTube - I usually use it to download tv shows from youtube, then watch them when I am not in wifi :P

Free Global Wifi

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:37 am
by BobSeager
Appstore: iTunes

While it works on both the touch and phone, it's really meant for the phone due to the GPS and cell network signals. You can type in a variety of parameters and the program will kick back a list of hotspots around you that offer free wifi. Using this, you can pick up on locations outside the range of the pod/phone's internal wifi locator (of course, you have to have a signal to begin with ;) ).

Since you need a signal of somekind to be able to use it, it really is geared more toward the phone, but if you can plan ahead and scout out an area, it can be used on the touch.

Re: Favorite Apps

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:05 pm
by BobSeager
Google Mobile: App Store, Free

I think this has been out for awhile but its an app that launches several google services for the iphone. Google Talk is on there as are many services I have never heard of (Google programs). THe voice search is really nice. You can speak into the phone and it will run through any directory (and the web) for instances of what you say. It works pretty nicely. It picked up a lot of weird words I threw at it to see how sensitive it was.

Plus if you are like me and have Google as your Safari default homepage, you may as well just use this instead of safari altogether. This opens windows seperately for each search just like Safari which I think is cumbersome and annoying. But, speaking your search is actually nicer for me than typing it on the keyboard.

Now it just needs Google Voice...